Rating: PG
Status: Complete.
Summary: How Buffy feels for Willow.
Rating: NC-17 // 18
Status: Complete.
Summary: Buffy walks in on Willow casting a spell...
Rating: R // 15
Status: Complete.
Summary: After Willow tells Buffy that shes in love with Tara, the sayer makes a wish that Tara had never come to Sunnydale.
Rating: NC-17 // 18
Status: Complete.
Summary: Buffy drinks too much magic beer. She starts to act strange, especially towards Willow...
Rating: G // U
Status: Complete.
Summary: Buffy is blowing bubbles...
Rating: G // U
Status: Complete.
Summary: Willow doesn't know what to do when her true feelings come out.
Rating: NC-17 // 18
Status: Complete.
Summary: Buffy takes Willow to a secluded cabin and reveals a secret that has been eating her up inside...
Rating: PG-13/R // 12/15
Status: Complete.
Summary: Buffy reflects on the past.